What is

Competency is being able to demonstrate that you have the specific knowledge and skills required to perform the tasks related to the “Units of Competency” you have just studied.
You can demonstrate your knowledge and skills by –
Performing a task under observation
Providing documentary evidence such as samples of paperwork
By interview
Or numerous other methods
This manner of assessment demonstrates your knowledge and your ability to carry out a specific task safely and effectively without having to sit a traditional memory test.
Following assessment you will either be recognised as “competent” in each specific unit, or “not yet competent”. Please know you cannot fail with us. If you have not yet fully grasped the knowledge and skills required to complete a unit, we will simply advise you to engage in further practise and / or training, reassessing you at a later date - generally you do not need to be completely reassessed.
The Units of Competency
Core units of competency
Unit Code | Unit Title |
CPPCMN3004 | Respond to enquiries and complaints |
CPPUPM3005 | Manage pests without applying pesticides |
CPPUPM3006 | Manage pests by applying pesticides |
CPPUPM3017 | Maintain, service and repair pest management equipment |
CPPUPM3018 | Maintain equipment and pesticide storage area in pest management vehicles |
Elective units of competency
The following are the Units usually taken up by the industry. You can also choose alternatives if you wish.
Unit Code | Unit Title |
CPPUPM3008 | Inspect for and report on timber pests |
CPPUPM3010 | Control timber pests |
CPPUPM4001 | Assess and select pest management vehicle and equipment |
CPPUPM4002 | Schedule, organise and monitor pest management operations |
CPPUPM4003 | Assess and advise on pest management options for sensitive operations |
Unit 42
Unit Code | Unit Title |
CPPUPM3042 (Unit 42) | Install termite management systems |
It is also possible to study a single Unit of Competency with MPL after discussing with us your individual learning / qualification needs.
Give us a call and we can work out together what best suits you.