Assessment Only

You may be already competent in the area of Pest Control & Management and do not require formal training in some or all of the units of study we offer. You may have had equivalent training and / or assessment, partially or fully, through courses in other parts of Australia. You may also have developed experience from on the job training and individual research, or through a combination of these activities.
In all cases, students will need to provide detailed evidence that supports their previous training and/or assessments, as it pertains to all aspects of each unit of competence required.
With all this in mind we at MPL work to assist you with gaining your accreditation for licencing in the Pest Control Industry in a range of ways -
Recognition of Prior
Learning (RPL)
If you have completed studies with another institution at an equivalent academic level, you can apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). This will provide credit for learning and assessments you have completed previously, meaning that you do not need to study these units of competency again.
You will need to phone us on (02) 4322 0331 for an RPL application form and then provide evidence to support your request for RPL. The following are some suggested documents you could submit to us to demonstrate your competency in the units for which you are seeking RPL. You may also have other documents you wish to submit not included in the list below. If so, please include those as well.
Copies of site inspection reports:
Including the nature of the problem and pest management options; supporting documentation including risk assessments, pesticide information and pest management advice
Reports from:
Peers, supervisors or clients on the manner in which the candidate has modified the environment to manage pests, applied pesticides and provided pest management advice to clients.
Certificates of attendance at courses:
Such as ChemCert, Smart Train, previous TAFE course etc on Pest Management. Trade Certificates in Horticulture, Green keeping etc.
Certificates of attendance at conferences:
Workshops on matters pertaining to Pest Management.
After reading your documents the assessor may also need to conduct an interview to further determine your knowledge and skills, this is common practice at most assessments.
If you require any assistance during your collection and preparation of supporting documents please call our office on (02) 4322 0331.
Recognition of Current
Competency (RCC)
This is a simpler process where you can show that you are already competent in a “Unit of competency” by way of your current experience and through showing samples of your work. This process relies heavily on your presentation of documentary evidence to support your competency. The assessor will review your evidence and where necessary interview you to determine your level of competence. If you have not done any previous training or attended any conferences or workshops, then an on-site observation of all your skills at our office in East Gosford, as well as an interview may be your best option for assessment. Phone us to discuss being considered for RCC on (02) 4322 0331.